Embracing the Power of Positive Thinking

Embracing the Power of Positive Thinking

When you’ve had a bad day, you’ve probably had someone tell you to “look on the bright side” or “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” While these talks can sometimes be unhelpful at the moment, the people giving them may have the right outlook: positivity.

While these sayings are a fun way to get the message across, the concept of positive thinking extends beyond the “glass half full” adages. Today, the benefits of positivity are backed-up by science, proving that there may be more to positive thinking than just making lemonade. 

As we begin a new year, it’s the perfect time for goals, resolutions, and plans to better ourselves during the upcoming year. This year, HarborChase Senior Living encourages you to add positive thinking to your list of resolutions! 

Offering independent, assisted, and memory care senior living services, HarborChase is sharing some of the benefits of positive thinking and how you can add more positivity to your life this year. 

Health Benefits of Positive Thinking

A Positive Thought a Day Keeps The Doctor Away?

Research has been done that may correlate positive thinking with increased immunity, including the ability to ward off bacteria and viruses like the common cold. While it’s unclear why positive thinkers may show greater resistance to certain viruses, researchers believe that optimism is a key factor in strengthening the immune system. 

A Positive Change of Heart

There is also evidence that those who have a brighter outlook on life are more likely to have superior heart health, including reduced risk of heart attack or cardiovascular disease. Researchers determined that individuals who have a positive outlook also tend to be more cheerful, energetic, and better able to handle stressful situations. 

Positive Thoughts to Live By

Living with optimism and positivity are key elements for a long, successful life. In addition to more specific health benefits, it’s also been shown that positive thinking can increase longevity and overall well-being. There are several reasons for this: 

  • Positive people tend to live healthier lifestyles and avoid bad habits
  • Positive thinking allows people to handle stress, reducing the risk of chronic disease
  • Those with an optimistic outlook on life may focus more on long-term goals and the future

How to Practice Positive Thinking This Year

For those who are self-proclaimed pessimists, implementing positivity into your life may seem like an unattainable feat. However, with the right mindset, motivation, and techniques, anyone can change from a “glass-half-empty” to a “glass-half-full” person. 

Focus On the Good Things (Even If They’re Hard to Find)

“Every cloud has a silver lining” may sound like just another cheesy phrase, but this one may have some substance behind it. When faced with a challenging situation, negative people may choose to focus on the issue and wallow in their misfortune. 

However, those who practice positivity will try to find a good thing, no matter how seemingly insignificant. For example, catching a cold may force you to stay home, but gives you time to catch up on your favorite show or book. A situation at work may frustrate you, but you should focus on the gratitude of being employed.

Surround Yourself With Other Positive People

It’s been shown that emotions, including both positivity and negativity, are contagious. You may notice that when someone is in a bad mood, it can bring everyone else down, but it can have the opposite effect when someone is happy and optimistic. Even though your friend’s pep talk may feel annoying at the moment, by surrounding yourself with people and friends who “look on the bright side,” you will be encouraged to do the same. 

Begin Each Day On a Positive Note

Starting the day on a negative or sour note can set the tone for the rest of the day. But, by beginning each day with an optimistic mindset, you can shape the rest of your day into a positive one, even if something goes wrong along the way. 

Getting a great start to your day looks different for everyone: it could be stretching or a simple meditation, avoiding checking your phone or email for 30 minutes, or even listening to your favorite song on the way to work. If you start each morning by doing something that puts you in a positive mood and mindset, soon, all your days will be positive! 

Starting The New Year With Positivity

The new year is a time for new beginnings, a clean slate for you to start over, set new goals, and be the best version of yourself. This year, HarborChase encourages you to start the year off on a positive note by implementing positive thinking into your life. Not only can you reap health benefits, but you can improve your life and the lives of those around you. From all of us at HarborChase, we wish you a very happy and positive New Year! 

HarborChase Senior Living offers independent living, assisted living, and memory care services throughout the United States. We are committed to promoting senior health, wellness, and positivity both inside and outside our communities. For more information on health, senior living, and our senior living communities, we invite you to visit our website today!

October 22, 2024

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