Indulge Your Senses

Elevated Dining at
HarborChase of Dr. Phillips

Experience a Taste of HarborChase

Located in Orlando’s affluent Dr. Phillips area, HarborChase of Dr. Phillips provides dining experiences to remember! First-class amenities and personalized care are at the heart of our luxury senior living community. We’ve created an environment where individuals can enjoy the company of friends and family while indulging in delicious cuisine and an unmatched dining experience.

Dining at HarborChase of Dr. Phillips

Unforgettable Experiences

Sharing a meal with family and friends is an opportunity for joy, laughter, and forging connections. Every day, residents of HarborChase of Dr. Phillips can join friends, family, and neighbors in our exclusive restaurants, enjoying American favorites, artisan sandwiches, signature cocktails, and gourmet cuisine.

Welcome We Are Open sign hanging on door

Open to the Public

There are countless ways to create an experience that can enhance food in new and exciting ways. Many of HarborChase of Dr. Phillips’s dining restaurants are open to residents and the general public year-round, serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner options. Please give us a call at (407) 904-4414 to learn about current menu options and make your reservations!

HarborChase Cooking Show

The Chefs Studio Live

A featured HarborChase cooking show, The Chefs Studio Live is filmed in front of a live audience. Our talented executive chefs showcase their culinary talents by preparing one of their signature dishes – or a resident’s favorite family recipe – while sharing expert culinary tips and artistry. Guests on the show then enjoy the chef’s creation. Breaking bread together and sharing a delicious meal is part of our HarborChase lifestyle and something to be celebrated.

Each month, all HarborChase Directors of Hospitality submit their Chefs Studio Live episode. The winning episode is featured here every month. Enjoy the show while honing your own culinary skills!


Dining Destinations in Orlando, Florida

From cozy to luxurious, simple to spectacular, our dining destinations offer residents, their families, and guests unique choices to satisfy every craving!

Plates of Elevated Cuisine-Signatures at HarborChase Senior Living

Serving fresh, American cuisine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner seven days a week for HarborChase of Dr. Phillips’s assisted living residents and their families. Our prix fixe menu features locally sourced ingredients and resident favorites.

Interior-Restaurant-Signatures Too at HarborChase Senior Living

Serving fresh, American cuisine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner seven days a week for HarborChase of Dr. Phillips’s memory care residents and their families. The prix fixe menu mirrors our Signatures menu with locally sourced and grown ingredients.

Bistro-Style Dining in Community-Counter-Offer at HarborChase Senior Living

A delightful café in the heart of our community offering artisan sandwiches, salads, pastries, coffee, and a range of delicious snacks and sweets. Open every day from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to all guests, visitors, and residents.

Close up of food on plate and glass of wine-Fusion Lounge at HarborChase Senior Living

Residents, guests, and visitors enjoy handcrafted cocktails, delectable small plates, and live music at our full-service bar. Open daily at 3:00 p.m. – the happiest hours happen here every day of the week!

Interior of Restaurant in Community-The Grill Room at HarborChase Senior Living

Open to all guests, visitors, and residents every Friday and Saturday evening for one special seating. This upscale steakhouse-style restaurant features a four or five-course gourmet dinner of Land, Sea, and Air delicacies prepared by our Executive Chef. Reservations are required – please call (407) 904-4414 to book your table.

Interior of Restaurant in Community-The Chef's Studio at HarborChase Senior Living

HarborChase of Dr. Phillips’s professionally trained chefs showcase their culinary talents through demonstrations and tasting events scheduled throughout the month. Open to all residents and their invited guests by event scheduling only. Residents can contact the Concierge for details and availability.

Interior of Private Dining Experience at Community-Zest at HarborChase Senior Living

Perfect for private parties, wine tastings, and intimate gatherings. From birthday dinners to celebratory parties, Zest is open for residents’ private parties and dinners by reservation only. Contact the Concierge for details and availability.

Experience a Taste of HarborChase by calling (407) 904-4414 or contacting us online today!

Contact Our Community